
November 7, 2018
7:00PM - 9:00PM

Bird Photography for Everyone

Griswold Center

Bird photography is one of the most alluring forms of natural history photography. It is also one of the most difficult. We’re dealing with subjects that often don’t want to be seen, or at least have us in close proximity, and frequently utterly fail to “cooperate”. Because of the difficulty, capturing a great avian image is satisfying indeed. Shooting birds typically requires specialized equipment and tactics, and a deep understanding of the subject helps immensely. This will be a pictorially rich presentation of bird-shooting techniques, tips, equipment, and other factors that can help immensely with bringing home pixelated feathered trophies.
Jim McCormac – Bio

Jim worked for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for 31 years as a botanist, and later specializing in wildlife diversity projects, especially involving birds. He has authored or coauthored six books, including Birds of Ohio (Lone Pine 2004); and Wild Ohio: The Best of Our Natural Heritage (Kent State University Press 2009). The latter won the 2010 Ohioana Book award. He is a coauthor of the Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas II book (2016). Jim writes a column, Nature, for the Columbus Dispatch, regularly publishes a natural history blog, and pens a bird photography column for Bird Watcher’s Digest. He has written numerous articles in a variety of publications, and has delivered hundreds of presentations throughout the eastern United States. He was named 2015 Conservation Communicator of the Year by the Ohio League of Sportsmen. Jim is an avid photographer, shooting a range of natural history subjects. He has had hundreds of photos published in various forums.

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